SSD Denial and Reconsideration
It can be a hurdle to understand how to qualify for social security benefits, so it is essential to review the guidelines carefully to prepare evidential documentation. When you receive Social Security Disability Benefits, you can obtain supplementary income to help accommodate a job loss. Social Security Transition provides temporary assistance while individuals are still in the process of qualifying for benefits. Being disqualified for either of these programs can be highly discouraging, but fortunately, the letter of response details the terms of dismissal and provides a way to appeal for SSDI denial reconsideration.
If you would like to be reconsidered for social security benefits after receiving a denial letter, you can work with a team of lawyers who can provide in-depth help. Contact Pisegna and Zimmerman for a free consultation.

SSD Denial
When you are denied, there is a four-step appeal process you can consider for reconsideration. However, you need to understand the main reasons for denial, which can be found in your response letter.
Lack of Evidence or Information
The biggest reason one might not receive social security benefits is due to missing information. If you described a disability in your application but didn’t include additional details or evidence, then the reviewers have nothing to go by in your case. You must supply medical records, the medications you use, the treatments you underwent, as well as any diagnosis you have been given. Additionally, you have to provide the hospital or clinic locations you attended for treatment, the doctors that treated you, and any other healthcare professionals you worked with. Treatment can include physical therapy and other supplementary therapies that aided you in the treatment of your disability. You have to provide contact information and addresses, as well as your medical history. On reconsideration, it would be helpful to include any updates to your medical disability, such as a doctor’s testimony on your condition worsening and any new medical tests which reveal the issue getting worse or more complicated. Ask your doctor to provide a detailed letter stating how your disability impacts your work, as well as the limitations of your disability. This information will give clear evidence that your disability is causing income loss.
Length of Disability
Another reason for denial can be because of a short-term disability. According to the Social Security Administration laws and regulations, your disability must last at least 12 months. In addition to this length of time, it should negatively impact your ability to function or work full-time. A short-term disability from an injury or temporary medical condition doesn’t fit social security disability requirements. The disability must follow these guidelines in order to meet federal standards. If you have proof that your disability extends beyond 12 months, you can include that in your appeal.
No Proper Contact Information
After you have supplied all your information and submitted your application, the social security administration will need to contact you. If they have no way to update you, reach out to you, or ask additional questions, they will dismiss your application. You have to have a way for them to communicate about your case. For the best possible chance of avoiding a situation where they are unable to, give them a phone number, email, and mailing address so that they have three ways to get in touch. This way, even if you relocate or your phone line is cut off, at least there is still an electronic way that the administration can reach out to you. This information can be updated and included before you apply for reconsideration.
Non-Cooperative With Doctor
An often overlooked issue is when you are not complying with the doctor’s recommendations. If it is discovered that are you not taking the medicine prescribed by your doctor, attending scheduled clinical treatment sessions, undergoing scheduled surgeries, or avoiding other remedies recommended by your doctor, then you will be disqualified. To remedy this, you can begin cooperating with your doctor and update your records with proper attendance. Showing that you are cooperative can also be included in your appeal so that on reconsideration, they can review your case in a more favorable tone.
Income Too High
Those who are still sustaining themself off of an income have to be making less than $18,240 a year as of 2020. This is different for blind applicants, who can make a little more than the annual limit per year. If the applicant is making more than this amount, it is considered substantial gainful activity. Benefits can be reduced for retirement income, but not entirely disqualified. There would be no way around this disqualification unless your disability caused you to have an even more considerable decrease in income. You will have to show proof of this on entering the repeal and reconsideration process. This means that you have to prove what job limitations you have due to your disability.
Sometimes it may have been a case of stolen identity that prevented you from receiving benefits. If someone else is receiving benefits with your information and the denial is based upon this duplication, you can contact the office immediately and have them launch an investigation into the matter. Identify theft can prevent you from receiving the benefits that are due to you.
For More Information Ask a Professional For Help
The appeal process and reconsideration of your case can take some time to prepare using the disability denial appeal letter examples. For the administration to lean in favor of a reconsideration, your appeal letter must be very convincing. You can work with a professional team to help you qualify for social security benefits, as they can help you put together your case with how to write an appeal letter for disability denial and guide you on what information may be lacking. Contact Pisegna and Zimmerman for a free consultation.
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